Carmen Eckard is a trailblazing astrologer based in North Carolina who has been captivating audiences with her profound insights for over a decade. With a unique gift for working with asteroids and delving beneath the surface of astrological wisdom, Carmen's innovative approach has garnered her a loyal following of astrology enthusiasts and spiritual seekers alike.

Having honed her skills through rigorous study and practical experience, Carmen is particularly adept at illuminating the influence of asteroids in natal charts, unlocking hidden dimensions of personality and potential. This specialization sets her apart from other astrologers, as she is able to offer her clients a truly comprehensive understanding of their celestial blueprint.

Beyond her astrological expertise, Carmen is also an inspiring force in her local community. Alongside her photographer husband, she has created two remarkable magazines: Foothills Digest, a publication that showcases the beauty, culture, and lifestyle of the North Carolina Foothills, and Foothills Kids Magazine, a non-profit children's magazine that fosters creativity and learning in young minds.

 A dedicated mother of two sons, Carmen has embraced the role of educator by homeschooling her children. She skillfully weaves her passion for astrology and the natural world into their learning experience, nurturing their curiosity and fostering a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of the universe.

Carmen Eckard's unwavering commitment to her craft and community has cemented her status as a truly exceptional figure in the world of astrology. Her ability to connect the cosmos with everyday life makes her an invaluable resource for those seeking guidance, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of their place in the universe. Carmen's extraordinary journey is a testament to the power of perseverance, creativity, and the pursuit of knowledge.

We asked Carmen about her natal chart, and what parts really spoke to her. Her sun is in Virgo, exactly conjunct Ceres, which makes nurturing a very important thing for her. Her moon is in Aries, opposite her Mercury, which means her emotions are visible, big, and she likes to talk about them. Her rising sign is also Aries, making Aries traits very visible in her life, perhaps even more so than her sun sign. She has a stellium in the 7th house that means she prefers to be working with her partner most all of the time, and in lots of different ways. She has the asteroids Pholus and Cassandra conjunct her ascendant. Pholus is a very explosive energy, and Cassandra's energy is that of a prophet who is not properly listened to, but is proven right. Those likely play into her outward personality in countless ways.