In astrology, the Descendant is the point directly opposite the Ascendant, which is the point on the eastern horizon at the exact time and location of a person's birth. The Descendant is found on the western horizon and marks the beginning of the 7th house in the natal chart. It represents the cusp between the 6th and 7th houses and is an important aspect of a person's astrological profile.

The Descendant is determined by the precise time and location of a person's birth. As the Earth rotates, different signs of the zodiac rise and set on the horizon. The sign that is setting on the western horizon at the time of birth is the Descendant sign.

The Descendant is significant in astrology because it represents the qualities and characteristics a person seeks in their relationships, particularly in close partnerships and marriages. It can reveal the traits a person is drawn to in others and provide insights into their approach to forming and maintaining meaningful connections.

In a broader sense, the Descendant highlights the qualities a person may need to integrate into their own personality to achieve balance and wholeness. It can represent the parts of oneself that are often projected onto others or sought after in relationships, as it is the polar opposite of the Ascendant, which represents the self and one's approach to the world.

In summary, the Descendant is an essential aspect of astrology, as it offers valuable insights into a person's relationships and the qualities they seek in partners. It can also provide guidance on personal growth by revealing the traits one needs to integrate for greater balance and self-awareness.

Description of Descendant Signs

Aries Descendant:

Individuals with their Descendant in Aries are drawn to partners who are bold, assertive, and independent. They appreciate a partner who can challenge them and inspire personal growth, as well as someone who possesses a strong sense of self and is unafraid to take the initiative.

Their ideal partner is: bold, assertive, independent, energetic, courageous, spontaneous, ambitious, action-oriented, confident, passionate, adventurous, impulsive, decisive, pioneering, enthusiastic, competitive, optimistic, daring, motivated, leader, inspiring, straightforward, athletic, self-reliant, innovative, impatient, self-assured, driven, fearless, strong-willed, dynamic, resilient, playful, powerful, stimulating, original, intense, quick-tempered, focused, persistent.

Taurus Descendant:

Those with their Descendant in Taurus seek partners who are reliable, stable, and grounded. They value sensuality and are drawn to individuals who can provide a strong sense of security, appreciating partners who are nurturing, patient, and attentive to their physical and emotional needs.

Their ideal partner is: reliable, stable, grounded, sensual, nurturing, patient, dependable, practical, loyal, resourceful, steadfast, comfortable, romantic, calm, determined, supportive, cautious, methodical, consistent, devoted, secure, conservative, generous, artistic, gentle, faithful, tactile, nature-loving, content, disciplined, persevering, materialistic, warm-hearted, traditional, organized, persistent, responsible, down-to-earth, appreciative, easygoing, solid.

Gemini Descendant:

People with their Descendant in Gemini are attracted to partners who are intellectually stimulating, communicative, and adaptable. They thrive in relationships built on open dialogue, mutual curiosity, and a shared love for learning and exploration.

Their ideal partner is: intellectually stimulating, communicative, adaptable, witty, curious, versatile, sociable, charming, knowledgeable, spontaneous, quick-witted, expressive, engaging, open-minded, imaginative, inventive, playful, energetic, friendly, talkative, lively, inquisitive, clever, flexible, creative, perceptive, humorous, fun-loving, diverse, well-read, articulate, intelligent, animated, eloquent, insightful, logical, quick, intriguing, restless, multifaceted, light-hearted, conversational, observant, analytical.

Cancer Descendant:

Individuals with their Descendant in Cancer desire partners who are nurturing, empathetic, and emotionally supportive. They value deep emotional connections and are drawn to those who can create a sense of home and family, providing comfort and security.

Their ideal partner is: nurturing, empathetic, emotionally supportive, comforting, intuitive, sensitive, compassionate, caring, gentle, protective, affectionate, family-oriented, understanding, loyal, patient, sentimental, warm, sympathetic, devoted, tender, imaginative, motherly, receptive, empathic, healing, attentive, soft-hearted, stable, kind-hearted, trustworthy, romantic, home-loving, caring, considerate, nostalgic, responsive, comforting, soothing, reassuring, generous, deep.

Leo Descendant:

Those with their Descendant in Leo are attracted to partners who are confident, charismatic, and creative. They appreciate a partner who can bring excitement, drama, and passion into their lives, and who isn't afraid to take center stage or express their individuality.

Their ideal partner is: confident, charismatic, creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, loyal, courageous, fun-loving, self-assured, dynamic, theatrical, magnetic, ambitious, proud, determined, radiant, expressive, strong-willed, energetic, vivacious, vibrant, playful, captivating, bold, adventurous, kind-hearted, noble, dignified, positive, inspirational, exuberant, elegant, flamboyant, affectionate, dramatic, powerful, enthusiastic, ardent, artistic, dignified, romantic, regal, impressive.

Virgo Descendant:

 People with their Descendant in Virgo prefer partners who are practical, organized, and detail-oriented. They seek a partner who can help them maintain structure and order in their lives, and work towards common goals with a sense of purpose and dedication.

Their ideal partner is: practical, organized, detail-oriented, purposeful, analytical, methodical, reliable, grounded, efficient, attentive, conscientious, precise, diligent, health-conscious, meticulous, logical, disciplined, patient, thoughtful, supportive, modest, self-sufficient, systematic, hardworking, punctual, perfectionistic, observant, prudent, dependable, industrious, service-oriented, rational, consistent, reserved, intelligent, clean, sensible, skilled, critical, realistic, careful, modest, orderly.

Libra Descendant:

Individuals with their Descendant in Libra are drawn to partners who are diplomatic, fair-minded, and aesthetically inclined. They value balance and harmony in relationships and appreciate a partner who can bring a sense of equilibrium, beauty, and grace to their lives.

Their ideal partner is: diplomatic, fair-minded, aesthetically inclined, harmonious, balanced, charming, social, gracious, considerate, tactful, cultured, gentle, agreeable, diplomatic, cooperative, affable, compromising, approachable, easygoing, open-minded, refined, artistic, sophisticated, romantic, polite, unbiased, collaborative, eloquent, amiable, elegant, persuasive, courteous, congenial, peaceful, good-natured, empathetic, just, understanding, supportive, graceful, diplomatic, attractive, refined, idealistic.

Scorpio Descendant:

Those with their Descendant in Scorpio are attracted to partners who are mysterious, intense, and transformative. They seek deep, emotional bonds and appreciate a partner who can challenge them to explore the depths of their own psyche, unearthing hidden desires and emotions.

Their ideal partner is: mysterious, intense, transformative, passionate, magnetic, powerful, loyal, persistent, deep, emotional, sensitive, complex, secretive, intuitive,determined, resourceful, tenacious, probing, insightful, courageous, regenerative, hypnotic, investigative, observant, self-reliant, resilient, protective, transformational, committed, perceptive, healing, empathetic, focused, alluring, enigmatic, possessive, profound, patient, unwavering, strong-willed, fearless, seductive, intimate, ambitious, spiritual, passionate, enigmatic, captivating, unyielding.

Sagittarius Descendant:

People with their Descendant in Sagittarius desire partners who are adventurous, philosophical, and open-minded. They thrive in relationships built on mutual exploration, shared values, and a love for learning and personal growth.

Their ideal partner is: adventurous, philosophical, open-minded, optimistic, enthusiastic, independent, free-spirited, generous, expansive, honest, idealistic, spontaneous, intellectual, curious, broad-minded, fun-loving, outgoing, friendly, philosophical, adaptable, spiritual, visionary, truth-seeking, humorous, lively, energetic, exploratory, carefree, wanderlust, straightforward, inspiring, restless, ambitious, inquisitive, worldly, unpretentious, positive, warm-hearted, adventurous, ambitious, engaging, enterprising.


Capricorn Descendant:

Individuals with their Descendant in Capricorn seek partners who are responsible, ambitious, and disciplined. They appreciate a partner who can provide structure, stability, and support in their lives, helping them achieve their long-term goals and aspirations.

Their ideal partner is: responsible, ambitious, disciplined, organized, practical, dependable, structured, patient, focused, hardworking, mature, reliable, goal-oriented, tenacious, committed, traditional, serious, self-controlled, conservative, realistic, strategic, patient, persistent, methodical, efficient, dutiful, professional, practical, grounded, diligent, self-reliant, driven, cautious, stable, wise, secure, ambitious, prudent, resourceful, dedicated, loyal, disciplined, enduring, steadfast.

Aquarius Descendant:

Those with their Descendant in Aquarius are drawn to partners who are innovative, independent, and socially conscious. They value intellectual stimulation and seek a partner who can challenge conventional norms, bringing fresh perspectives and unique insights to their relationship.

Their ideal partner is: innovative, socially conscious, independent, open-minded, intellectual, inventive, unique, progressive, visionary, friendly, eclectic, curious, freedom-loving, original, humanitarian, objective, creative, unconventional, spontaneous, experimental, quirky, eccentric, diverse, tolerant, individualistic, communicative, analytical, unpredictable, broad-minded, forward-thinking, inspiring, witty, clever, egalitarian, ingenious, rational, collaborative, iconoclastic, rebellious, unorthodox, irreverent, futuristic.


Pisces Descendant:

People with their Descendant in Pisces are attracted to partners who are empathetic, spiritual, and imaginative. They seek a partner who can provide emotional support, helping them navigate the complexities of their own emotions and inner world, while also inspiring creativity and fostering a sense of connection to the divine.

Their ideal partner is: empathetic, spiritual, imaginative, compassionate, sensitive, intuitive, creative, dreamy, gentle, mystical, emotional, caring, artistic, romantic, selfless, understanding, soulful, intuitive, tender, idealistic, receptive, introspective, healing, visionary, adaptable, psychic, self-sacrificing, imaginative, empathic, otherworldly, mysterious, reflective, soothing, supportive, accepting, inspirational, subtle, magical, serene, poetic, transcendent, forgiving, open-hearted, impressionable, mystical.